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A-Part of Life photography & films

Get's a new Brand Identity!

Who is the client?

Ghislain Berger

A-Part of Life is a project undertaken by Ghislain Berger, a self-taught and yet non-professional photographer fascinated by images. After having wandered the streets for years where he put in practise many hours of theory, he has been seized with a sudden impulse. He felt like sharing his pictures and experiences in all modesty, by creating his own company, for which i have been in charge of the development of a new and unique identity.

Mr. Berger created A-Part of Life with the Idea of playing with the word

A-Part of Life, which literaly means a moment of your life, as well as playing with the fact that he captures extraordinary situations that are "a part" of the daily routine.

Keeping a logo with the "A""P""L" Initials has been the base for the Brands ID.

As Mr. Berger wanted a Logo that represented a minimalist shape of a camera, a focus frame and have a symbole which reflects his ability to create unique wedding photographs. While conserving the idea of the union between the "a" and the "p" in "A-Part of Life", i proposed the following logo: 

The focus frame  

represents the "L" initial

interlaced initials 

inspired by interlaced wedding rings

the cameras shape

created  by assembling both parts

Lookdev of the Landing page

Website currenty under construction

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